Why having the right Business Consultant & Funding Relationship is important for Sourcing Finance

After speaking with lots of local business owners who often say they find it difficult to spend time on sourcing the most appropriate finance for their needs.  This can result in growth being stifled and projects delayed, or worse, the wrong form of finance burdening the future cash flows of the business.

Business Consultants / brokers are an important component for any business seeking finance for growth. At American Strategic Consultants, (ASC) we have identified a gap in the local market and recently set up a Small Business and Property & Commercial Finance service. 

The role of  ASC as a Business Consultant and Finance Broker is to invest the time to source the most appropriate funding solutions to take forward to funders on behalf of the client, freeing them up to work on their businesses, rather than working in them.   Whether it is new, existing or top-up funding, it

s important for a relationship broker to be able to assist clients in conjunction with arranging full refinances.  Therefore, as responsible consulting brokers, it is our duty at ASC to be able to signpost clients to alternate sources of finance that can support their growth strategies.

Having a good network with a wide range of partnerships with lenders who all offer something different to local businesses is not only important but critical. From local banks to, alternative financing, there are a wealth of funds available to businesses and markets today.     

As a good business consultant and loan broker ASC will be involved from the initial concept through to drawdown of funds, which enables them to fully understand the funding requirement and develop the most appropriate funding structure. 

By being involved at the initial concept, this will allow ASC to quickly identify the most appropriate funding to deliver tangible funding solutions in an efficient timeframe.  Beyond financial support, the lender must believe in the ASC team and get on with them (that works both ways) because some investments can be not only short term but long term as well.

At ASC we have the experienced to fully assess all funding proposals before formally submitting to a funding source.  With every business opportunity comes risk and it is important key risk factors are presented to funding company before a decision is made. ASC will deliver a fast and stress-free approach to securing offers of finance by fully understanding the funding requirement from the outset.

Every business is different and each requires funding support for various reasons.  Whether it is asset finance on a fleet of vehicles, stock finance or indeed having a spade ready to break ground on new land, I believe Northern Ireland funders are open to proposals that, in the long term, stimulate business growth.

The decision to invest in a business is never an easy one. It

s a big step for companies to partner with an external investor to grow their company. But one thing all our portfolio companies have in common is ambitious owners and management teams at the helm. 

While some businesses have put a hold on investment decisions due to political uncertainty at a local and national level, we have met a lot of businesses who are more determined than ever to grow their business to its maximum potential.

Businesses Can Navigate Economic Downturns

Economic downturns can be a challenging time for small businesses, but with the right strategies, it's possible not just to survive but to thrive. In times of uncertainty, the key is adaptability, proactive planning, and a focus on your core strengths.

Down Economy with Strategic Funding

During challenging economic times, securing the right financial support is essential for small businesses to not only stay afloat but also find opportunities to grow. American Strategic Consultants (ASC) offers expert guidance in identifying and securing funding tailored to your business needs, helping you navigate economic downturns with confidence.

Small Business Flourish

In a sluggish economy, securing the right funding can be the key to helping your small business not only survive but thrive. While economic uncertainty may make traditional lenders more cautious, there are still numerous funding options available that can provide the financial boost your business needs to grow.